What a day and sweater update
After doing all of our Monday morning cleaning, breakfasting, second breakfasting, and little ones' schoolwork, Thing 1 and I sat down to knock out a couple rounds from her spelling book.
I had asked her to bring her book into the kitchen so I could multitask and wipe counters down while we pondered the spelling of words like "seamstress." The stepstool was a perfect place for her, the stove for the book. As she wrote, she suddenly said, "Ouch!" I looked at her, and she shrugged, and then said, "Ouch!"
Further investigation revealed that she had slipped getting off of her bunk bed this morning, hanging unexpectedly by one arm. Further further investigation revealed that her collarbone had a definite sore spot on it. I looked up "symptoms of broken collarbone," and read enough to suggest that I'd feel more confident if our doctor, the Greatest Pediatrician in the World, took a look at it.
Joy, joy! He had an opening and I had already engaged the services of my Wonderful Sister for babysitting as -- get this -- Thing 1 already had a dentist appointment for a cavity filling. Sister could come earlier.
Off we went, knitting in tow. GPW said he'd feel better with x-rays, fitted her with a sling, and sent us off. Fortunately our local hospital embodies many of the good things about small town hospitals, and our wait was very short. She looked very small and vulnerable on that table, and I said a little prayer of thanksgiving that my kids are so ferociously healthy most of the time.
Off to a quick lunch, to the dentist, who is also pretty wonderful, and Thing 1 was ready for a nap. I think my sister was ready for a break, too.
Good news! The collarbone isn't broken -- probaby a strain from the slip. And I got a few more inches done on the second sweater of the year.

Of course, there's no guarantee that Thing 3 will ever wear this orangey goodness -- I'm learning to let go of expectations. It did go to the zoo with him and his sisters last week, where it began a campaign of copying him:

The stick insects liked it. I wonder if they'd like some sweaters? See them? They look like sticks!
Clearly, this has been a long day for me. It got a little bit longer when Thing 1 announced cheerfully that she had broken her retainer. Tomorrow I'll call the orthodontist. Now? I'm going to finish the movie I've been watching, knit to the beginning of the next cable crossing, and go to bed.