Yarn instead of candy
I began dating my husband after making a solemn vow to stay single, and maybe only spend time with people I already knew. Bam, just like the universe was listening and perhaps chuckling a bit, spouse and I went out on Valentine's Day, on not-a-date-thankyouverymuch, during which he casually informed me I should marry him because, and I quote, he was "the perfect guy for [me]."
Some people find that story horrifying, like he was a secret control freak, and some people seem to understand why I find it so funny. As far as there is a "perfect" person for people, we probably are to each other, and as far as not-dates go, that one was okay.
All this to point out that when I got very comfortable with not doing things, my three-course class session ended, I got some creative urges, and Thing 1 asked for some wristwarmers knit out of "her" yarn. "Yarn," that is, after I spun up the roving she'd dyed with Kool-Aid.

Pattern, dead easy. Either knit ribbing in the round or flat, and switch to back-and-forth if you're doing in the round for the size of a thumb hole, or seam it up with the same omission. One could, presumably, pick up and knit a thumb, but these aren't meant for Real Winter, just our chilly days -- and without heat in the house, we have them indoors! Now Thing 3 is asking for something else out of his "yarn." I have no idea what it will be.
So inspired, I thought about spinning some more yarn to put in my friends' yarn store. I may overdye this stuff -- it was my first dyeing with sunflowers experiment -- or not.

In the middle of spinning, I realized that I had to purchase candy for tonight (I do not keep it in the house for reasons of willpower, lack of, my own) and figured I'd pick up some Kool-Aid while I was out. I hope this stuff doesn't spin up into what looks like a hippie acid trip, but you never know until you try.

Oh, and while you're enjoying tonight's festivities if you do tonight, please spare a thought for Zipper, Thing 2's snake. He escaped his cage and the house is quite cold. We know he's here somewhere, but I'd like to get him back where it's nice and warm.
Oh, no! Poor Zipper! Has he gotten out before?
When we had fox snakes when I was teaching, they were always escaping. Of course, we had mice and rats in the same pet room, so that might have been why...
btw, have you visited my blog today?
What a neat story about your first not-date with your husband. Jim and I have always had a similar "fated" feeling like things were meant to be. I think it's cool and not control freak-y at all.
First of all, I hope Zipper is okay. Um...what kind of snake is he, anyway?
Okay, the wrist warmers are beautiful - I love Thing 1's colors. And I can't imagine that your roving would spin up into an acid trip (funny as that sounds). I don't know one single thing about spinning, but that looks beautiful to me. Now putting it into a yarn store - that's exciting.
Oooh, pretty. I just made hobo gloves for myself, I like them but am not 100% on knitting with them - they impede finger coordination a bit. So I suspect wristwarmers in my future, as well...
As for the snake, whenever my long-lost iguana went wandering, before the last and final time, we found her somewhere near a window. Not the smartest choice, in upstate-NY wintertime, but perhaps she was drawn to the sunshine?? Good luck!
As for hubby, good for him for recognizing his perfection for you. We love our smart men.
In a strange parallel, I had just sworn off men when I met my husband. We went out on Valentine's Day over a decade ago and have barely been apart ever since!
You are remarkably calm about a missing snake. Dear me. I hope you find it soon!
:-) all the way 'round.
You sound both more productive and happier. Hurrah!
Warm thoughts to Zipper. I hope you found him quickly!
I thought your story was nice and funny!
Lovely mitts, and your kool-aid dyed is beautiful. Someday I will have to try dyeing.
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