Lessons Learning
Amazingly, when things are worked on, things get done.
You would think that a lesson like this might have sunk in, oh, at least 30-some years ago, but I continue to be delightfully surprised by its application. So even though I have at least 90 more rows to go before I can start seaming this puppy together, some progress is showing up on the Pearl Buck back. I did, however, discourage myself today when I thought, "Well, I'm able to finish about three or four rows a day, so that means. . . oh, shoot."

An acquaintance the other day said something about how teeny the needles were for this sweater. I don't spend a lot of time thinking about it. I love the fabric that smaller needles make, and while I'll wear (happily!) a sweater I knit on 8s, there's something just right about the drape of a 4 or 5 needle and yummy yarn. So what if I only finish one every birthday or so. Eventually I'll have the sweaters I love.
Until then, I could wear these items:

Bonus points if you recognize the quote on the tank top. Fortunately, my sister and I share the same sense of humor, apparently. She suggested that I could wear it while working out. And, along with that slow-on-the-uptake lesson at the start of this post? I've been making time downstairs to do my new workouts once I realized that regular sustained workouts might actually help me feel my best, not only now, but in the future.
A future which I devoutly hope will contain grandchildren. Grandchildren to dandle, to dance with, and to tell many, many, many outrageous stories to about their parent and their parent's siblings.
I can tell about the way they couldn't keep a toy made of small parts from rolling All Over The Floor Even When Warned To Keep Them In The Box:

Or how well they perfected the "My mother is a dork" smirk:

Or just how freaking cute they were at one point:

At that, I will encourage Thing 4 (in my fantasy, this is taking place at a large family gathering), to do the hula dance that she did for me tonight post-bath, clad in a wrapped-around, tucked-in towel.