Spun for the Holiday
The hippie dream koolaid yarn is done and plied. For some reason, there is no way for me to spin two bobbins at the same diameter. We'll see what effect that has on my budding sock yarn.

Meanwhile, I'm going to spend my holiday finishing (hahaha) The Pearl Buck Swing Jacket and maybe knitting up something for Thing 3. He's the one most sweaterless and I scored some Debbie Bliss Cashmerino for his sensitive skin. Oh, and grading papers. Lots and lots of papers. Hooray for employment!
If you're celebrating, have a great holiday.
Something to be thankful for, indeed! Cops are often pretty nice folk about stuff like that. We had a very nice Iowa highway patroller this summer laugh at JMan's nervous jokes from the back, and send us on our way with a warning to "slow down a bit, please."
I love your cabin tradition. Hope it was lovely and potty accident free!
Very Thanksgiving-y colors on the handspun. It's really lovely!
beautiful yarn!
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